Monday, 18 July 2011

Forget Memorials

Any visitor to the Princess Diana Memorial Playground will be amazed by its creator’s  insensitivity. Among the attractions is a tunnel. But it’s by no means the only gaffe made by children’s theme park designers. The JF Kennedy Children’s Memorial Playground includes a grassy knoll; the Mussolini Children’s Memorial Playground a lamppost to hang from.

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A similar faux pas was made at the Trotsky Children’s Memorial Playground. Here children were offered confectioneries. A warm, generous touch. But pick and mix? Any follower of head injuries sustained by Russian authority figures will know that Trotsky’s assassin hit him over the head with an ice pick. And then, fairly ungenerously, did it again. In fact, Ramón Mercader, the assassin, in approaching Trotsky, was quite possibly the first to coin the phrase, ‘Can I pick your brains about something?’

1 comment:

  1. Less not forget in honour of Communist China's finest: the Great Leap Frog Ride
